Garden Cleaning

A beautiful and lush garden can be maintained year round when tended to by the experts. At Elate Cleaning, we provide a comprehensive gardening service to ensure that your garden is healthy and thriving. As no two gardens are the same, we’ll tailor our service to your garden’s unique needs!

What’s Included In Your Gardening Service

At Elate Cleaning, we can provide year-round care to ensure that your garden is in top condition. From watering to fertilizer to pruning, we handle all your garden’s unique and seasonal requirements with our regular gardening services. Drawing upon years of experience, our gardening experts are highly trained and use professional equipment so your property will be the envy of the neighborhood!

Our gardening services include:

  • Pruning and Trimming of plants and bushes
  • Weeding
  • Fertilizing and mulching
  • Plant Pest and Disease Management
  • Green Waste Removal


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